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New pre-print: Scoping review of ontologies related to human behaviour change

By Emma Norris

Publication Date: 12/11/2018

Image credit: PsyArXiv

A new pre-print from the Human Behaviour-Change Project has been published in PsyArXiv. This presents a scoping review of 15 existing ontologies related to human behavior change


The review aimed to:

i) identify ontologies related to human behaviour change that could be re-used in part or in full in the development of an ontology for the domain of human behaviour change

ii) describe the methods used to develop these ontologies

iii) assess the quality of the content of the identified ontologies with respect to their potential for re-use


The paper reviews best practices of ontology development that we are now embedding within the Human Behaviour-Change Project. It also identifies terms that may be embedded within the Behaviour Change Intervention Ontology (BCIO) being developed within HBCP.


You can download the full paper here: Please send any questions or comments to author Dr Emma Norris:

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Human Behaviour-Change Project

Centre for Behaviour Change
University College London
1-19 Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7HB