Project Team

Marta M. Marques Trinity College Dublin

Marta M. Marques

Trinity College Dublin

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Marta Marques obtained her PhD in Health Psychology from Leiden University, in 2015, and is a chartered clinical and health psychologist. Marta holds a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (EDGE) fellowship at the ADAPT Centre and Trinity Centre for Practice & Health Care Innovation, Trinity College Dublin, and she is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Behaviour Change, University College London. Marta is a close collaborator of the Behaviour Science team in the Human Behaviour Change Project, being involved in the development of the BCI Ontology. Her current project focuses on the development of ontologies of personalization, tailoring and adaptation. This work is being developed in collaboration with: 1) IBM-Research Ireland, with whom Marta is exploring how the behaviour change ontologies can be used to classify large datasets of digital data; and 2) EUH2020 ProACT project (, in which Marta is exploring how an ontology of personalization can help developing individualized goal recommendation for physical activity and multiple health behaviours.
Janna Hastings Ontology consultant

Janna Hastings

Ontology consultant

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Janna Hastings is Assistant Professor of Medical Knowledge and Decision Support, University of Zurich and University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Janna has worked on ontology research and development for more than a decade across multiple disciplines. She develops the Mental Functioning Ontology and related projects, and until 2015 she was ontology lead and project coordinator for the ChEBI chemical ontology, during which time she also worked on related biological ontologies. She holds a PhD in Biological Sciences, an MSc in Computer Science and an MA in Philosophy.
Bryan Vernon Ethics consultant

Bryan Vernon

Ethics consultant

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"Product champion" for Ethics Teaching and Learning in Newcastle MBBS, Bryan has pioneered seminar-based ethics teaching throughout the course in an accessible form. He is Honorary Treasurer of the Institute of Medical Ethics and an honorary chaplain to both Newcastle University and Newcastle Hospitals NHS Trust. He is a member of the Newcastle Hospitals Clinical Ethics Committee and chairs the Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust Ethics Advisory Group. He is an Anglican priest, a father of three and a grandfather of seven.

Human Behaviour-Change Project

Centre for Behaviour Change
University College London
1-19 Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7HB